Agritech Limited (AGL) is committed to provide healthy and safe workplace for all employees and to protect the environment in accordance with applicable laws / HSEQ Policy. AGL commitment is based on the conviction that accidents are preventable and in order to achieve the objective, HSE risks are identified and mitigated and/or reduced to as low level as is reasonably practicable.
AGL is accredited under the umbrella of Integrated Management System (IMS) for Quality Management System (ISO9001:2008), Environmental Management System (ISO14001:2004) and Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) System (OHSAS18001:2007).The successful implementation of these systems and compliance with HSE rules and regulations, have imparted continual improvement in HSE culture, resulted in and improving statistical data of Employees Working Man-hours without Lost Time Case (LTC) which is compatible with well reputed petrochemical industries. AGL has always proactive approach towards creating safe working environments and are responsible for promoting continued Health, Safety education and training for all employees.
AGL is contributing immensely in the realm of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) including HSE awareness and supply of Potable Water to the surrounding community. As per AGL policy, continuous increasing plantation in the surrounding areas including housing colony is being implemented to have positive impact on the environment.